Relay for Life is an organization that brings together teams of family, friends and colleagues to celebrate cancer survivors, remember those that have been lost to cancer, and commit to raising funds to fight all types of cancer. Relay for Life is a community of people fighting back against cancer. In 2016, Relay for Life raised over 28 Million Dollars across Canada!

Two Members Of The RRT Team With Relay For Life Event Coordinator

The fundraising event in Kingston, Canada is 12 hours long and team members take turns walking around a designated track. Each team taking part is asked to have at least one member on the track at all times to symbolize the ongoing fight against cancer.

RRT Volunteers Preparing Event Take-a-ways


RRT Volunteers Setting Up Tables

A team of energetic RRT volunteers arrived on Friday June 2nd to assist with setting up for Saturday’s event. This included setting up tables/chairs and tents, organizing volunteer clothing, and preparing free take-a-ways for participants.

One of the Many Tents Set Up By RRT Volunteers
RRT Volunteers Handing Out Cold Water

Then on event day, June 3, a total of 13 RRT volunteers worked in 2 hour shifts from 10-am to 10-pm providing ice cold water to thirsty walkers.

A Recipient Of RRT’s Much-Welcomed Water Supply

The 12 hour event began at 10-am and continued right through until 10-pm and a remarkable $80,540 was raised from the event!

RRT Volunteers Posing Between Shifts

The Rapid Relief Team was pleased to assist this event again and will continue to support their fight against cancer. “Thank you again for your wonderful support at Relay 2017 in Kingston. While I was able to work with you and your team on part of Friday and Saturday, I understand that you also were great at assisting for the remainder of your stay. I appreciate the time and effort of Brandon, Brenda, Dan, Emily, Heidi, Janice, Joe, Kim, Maureen, Owen, Travis and you.” April McCann – Volunteer Engagement Coordinator

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